EDAH coorganises the Health Data for Better Care, a European Perspective seminar at Vitalis2023, the larger eHealth event in Scandinavia that has received the Swedish2023.eu label
On Wednesday May 24th, 2023 13:00 – 17:00 a session on Health Data showcased EDAH’s achievements during the first 9 months of the project, including the 4 case studies (Portugal, Czech Republic, Sweden and Bulgaria) and the dialog established with the main players on the subject.
In the EDAH panel, coorganised with Novartis Sweden, subjects like how to unlock the potential of health data, how will EHDS be effectively implemented or how can Europe lead the international guidelines of health data secondary used were addressed.
The Panelists Hille Hinsberg, Jordi Piera Jiménez, Michel Silvestri and Petronille Bogaert, moderated by Montse Daban, shared good practices and advancements to EHDS from their countries’ and projects’ perspective. They also referred to the main challenges and barriers that could threat the proper implementation of EHDS by the end of 2024. According to the speakers, the main obstacles could be the lack of resources at local, national and EU level, the political decisions and the sustinability of the framework, the the agreement on infrastructures and interoperability and also the failure to align the interests of patients and users. The panel was highly valued by the attendees as reflected by the open dialogue between panelist and the public.
Michel Silvestri, who provided insights on the Swedish presidency, pointed out that Spain is in good position to contnue the work by the predecessors in the presidency.
EDHA and Novartis Sweden shared a booth in the exhibition area that was actively promoting the goals of the project among the visitors
Gothemburg, May 24th