The aim of the project is to foster the dialogue and development towards more inclusive, dynamic, (gender) diverse and interconnected innovation ecosystems in Europe to reach the European common data space in health.
The joint action plan to be developed in the context of the project is oriented at overcoming the current deployment gap of digital health in Europe and to unlock the power of health data for innovative medicine and healthcare of the future, enabling new scientific discoveries, innovative commercial health products and services, all in all resulting in more efficient prevention and treatment of illnesses and ensuring a better quality of life in Europe and globally.


The overall mission is to achieve more efficient disease prevention and treatment and ensure a better quality of life in Europe and globally.


Ensuring a coherent overview of the (ongoing) strategic developments related to the European Health Data Space (EU level policy processes, important initiatives and projects) and developing a deeper understanding of seven important EU ecosystems (innovation agendas and ecosystem stakeholders) represented by clusters/networks from Bulgaria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Spain and Sweden – to provide a basis for involving various stakeholder groups in dialogue, enhancing synergies and complementarities in terms of innovation agendas, to identify good practices to be scaled-up and to get detailed input regarding the envisioned collaboration within the upcoming EU presidency frameworks during this project.

Setting up a coordination mechanism to connect important stakeholders from innovation ecosystems all around Europe and engage them in focused dialogue around key challenges and opportunities related to advancing the EHDS, and develop an understanding of how the key topics could be jointly addressed to reach benefits for the different types of actors involved. 

The coordination mechanism will support operative input gathering and discussions with a variety of stakeholders and is designed to facilitate the participation of relevant stakeholders from all EU territories.

Scaling up the dialogue at the EU level via developing further collaboration pathways with EU presidencies – this means proactive work to provide input to the presidency agendas, in close collaboration with the case study clusters/networks representing the countries holding the presidency in the project period (Czech Republic, Sweden, Spain, Belgium). 

The case studies as well as further presidency-specific dialogue processes that engage additional stakeholders give important input regarding EHDS-related topics that could have specific relevance in the context of the presidency agenda in this country, building upon both existing good practices as well as potential gaps and areas for development. 

The presidencies will be used for engaging other regional innovation ecosystems in the EU in a broad-scale dialogue around these topics: Four large-scale EU-wide collaboration building and co-planning events will be organised, each linked with the programme of the four EU presidencies falling in the implementation period of the project (from 2nd half of 2022 to 1st half of 2024).

Developing, validating and finalising the Joint Action Plan (JAP) for synergetic work in the interconnected ecosystems of EU health-related clusters/ networks (facilitated by the dialogue mechanisms and collaboration frameworks developed in this project) to jointly advance the development of the EHDS. 

The JAP will define a collaboration framework for 5 years after the project (2024-2029) and identify potential funding leverages, including national or regional public funds in addition to EU funding, to implement the envisioned activities and foster sustainable collaboration of the interconnected innovation ecosystems beyond the five years.
